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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mathematicians in the World : PYTHAGORAS (pi-THAG-uh-rus) of Samos (c. 560-c. 480 B.C.)

PYTHAGORAS (pi-THAG-uh-rus) of Samos (c. 560-c. 480 B.C.)

(image source)

-He has his own school. All students in Pythagoras' school were all adult.

- He devided his students into two grades. The first grade is 'Acoustici', they only just a listeners on Pythagoras lecture, not allowed to see him. The 2nd grade is 'Mathematiciti,' the students who were allowed to see him.

- Pythagoras gave lectures on "mathema," which in his language meant studies of all kinds. Because he emphasized aritmethic and geometry, the word came to mean mathematics.

- The Pythagoreans learnt to construct the five regular solids whose faces are all the same shape and size. There are: The tetrahedron (4 sides), the cube (6 sides), the octahedron (8 sides), the dodecahedron (12 sides), the icosahedron (20 sides).

RESOURCES : Reimer, L., Wilbert R. 1990. Mathematicians are People, too (Stories from the Lives of Great Mathematicians). Canada, USA: Dale Seymour Publications.

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