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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Monday, January 28, 2013

Maslow's Theory

Friday, 5th October 2012 I did not join the second meeting of MMSEL because of an event. Next, I just tried to learn the materials through the PPT file. The title was “The Influence of Needs on Motivation to Learn”. There were three theories of needs on motivation. The first theory was called Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the second one was about “The Need for Self-Determination”, and the third was about “The Need to Preserve Self-Worth. Here, I just want to focus in the first theory, and here is what I got.
source (click here)

The first theory was stated by Abraham Maslow. His theory says that each individual has two kinds of needs; deficiency needs and then followed by growth need. Because of its name “hierarchy”, so everyone is believed will pass the needs step by step.

The first needs is separated into four needs; Psychological, Safety, Belongingness and Love, and then Esteem. Since an individual is born to the world, he/she must be met a psychological needs, for example food, mother’s milk, oxygen, clothes, and many more that are related to the physical. Next, he/she must be met safety needs, for example safety from the weather, safety from a criminality, safety from the war, and many more so they are about protection and security for her/him. Moreover, as the growth of her/him, s/he meets the needs of belonging and love.

According to a statement that a human is a social creature, so an individual needs to socialize with others. A human needs friends, love, and communication, so it’s the expansion of the first and the second needs. Next, a human must be met the needs of esteem. When a human grows and grows, s/he is not only need friends or need to communicate with them, but is also need recognition from the people surrounding; s/he needs need for status, fame, glory, recognition, attention, reputation, appreciation, dignity, even dominance.

The second need is about Growth Need/Motivation. There are another term that is used to name this needs; Being Needs (B-Needs) and Self-Actualization. It happens when an individual has become an adult. It’s like maximizing the potential in his entire life, so it can be seen by the work s/he does in mature age.

I do agree with Maslow because I experience the step by step on his theory, started from the first until the last. However, I think I don’t need to wait until my mature age to have a self-actualization need because since I grew and become an adolescent, my life needed my self-actualization. I just defined self-actualization as the things that should we proof or should we do when we have a plan. So it’s like how good we are in actualizing our plans in our life and work, and it doesn’t need to be an adult to  need it.

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