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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Friday, May 31, 2013

Reflection of School Experience Program 2013

School Experience Program (SEP) is a mandatory program which is held by Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI) for two weeks in the school for every semester. The objective of SEP for this semester was experiencing the individual teaching for at least four times. This semester, I did my SEP in SMA Global Prestasi Bekasi (GPS). I was assigned to teach in class 2B (as same as 10th grade) by my master teacher, Ms. Asih. GPS had different curriculum with other schools because this school had apply the SKS system, so GPS had a little differences in presenting the sequence of the topics that should be learned by the students, compared with other schools.

My first day of SEP was Monday, 13 May 2013. At that day, I only did consultation with my master teacher about what topics that should I present to the class. She said that all topics had been delivered to the students, so I don’t need to present a new topic, but I only need to do review. Two weeks after that day (Monday, 27 May 2013), the school would hold Final Examination, so as long as those two weeks the students need to do review for all topics that had been learned.

There were five topics that should I review to the students, which were Statistics and Probability, Composition of Function and Inverse of Function, Linear Programming, Matrices, and Sequence and Series. In other schools, those topics would be learned in the 11th and 12th grade, but this school set those topics to be learned by 10th grade because of SKS system.

Based on the schedule provided, I only had four meetings to review those topics, so I set the schedule as shown below.

Sequence and Series
Statistics and Probability
Composition of Function, Inverse of Function, and Linear Programming

From four meetings, I think my best teaching was the third meeting, so I will explain it in details. My 3rd meeting was held on Tuesday, 21 May 2013 in the 3rd and 4th period. The overview of my lesson plan is shown below.

-       Explaining the objectives and agenda
-       Games “Find your Soul-Mate-Matika”

-       Exercise and whole class discussion about Composition of Function and Inverse of Function (pair-work)
-       Working on worksheet “Combining Inequalities” (pair-work) and  whole class discussion using GeoGebra
-       Exercise and whole class discussion about Linear programming using GeoGebra


-       Sum-up and reinforcement
-       Post-test (individual)

The strength of my lesson plan was using game in the beginning of the class to motivate my students which was called “Find your Soul-Mate-Matika”. The procedure of this game was like this; I gave a paper to each student consists of a function and composition of function, and then I instructed the students to find the match function of the composition of function. For those students who got f(x) and (f o g)(x), then he/she should find his/her soul-mate which got g(x) and the same function of (f o g)(x), while for those students who got g(x) and (f o g)(x), then he/she should find his/her soul-mate which got f(x) and the same function of (f o g)(x). Similarly, for those students who got f(x) and (g o f)(x), then he/she should find his/her soul-mate which got g(x) and the same function of (g o f)(x), while for those students who got g(x) and (g o f)(x), then he/she should find his/her soul-mate which got f(x) and the same function of (g o f)(x). This game was part of the review of determining the composition function before they do the exercises.

Another strength of my lesson plan was students’ activity for working on worksheet “Combining Inequalities” (pairwork) and  using Geogebra for whole class discussion. The aim of using worksheet in pair is to make them focus. If the students work in group, they would be too much talk out of topic of Mathematics, while if the students do worksheet individually, they would not focus, so I set it pair-work. After that, I used Geogebra to discuss the answers for giving them visualisation, so that they would be more focus.

Thinking about the weakness of my lesson plan, it was about setting the time. I set the time too long in exercising the Composition of Function and Inverse of Function and the discussion about it, it was about 38 minutes. Meanwhile, for exercising and discussion about Linear Programming was about only 20 minutes, whereas Linear programming topic was harder than  Composition of Function and Inverse of Function.

During the learning process, I found some parts when my students had difficulties. First, when they did game "Find your Soul-Mate-Matika", they were difficult to find their "soul-mate". The reason was because they have forgotten to solve problem related to composition of functions. More over, students' notes book had been collected to the master teacher, so they couldn't see any examples. I also didn't gave example to them because I really wanted to know whether they still remembered the material or not, and the fact said that they had forgotten it. After the games, we discussed the material, so that they could answer some problems when I gave them exercises.

The second was when they worked on Worksheet "Combining Inequalities". They had difficulty on sketching the graph of lines and determining the solution area of inequalities (still because of the same reason - their notes book had been collected). After that, I guided them to solve the worksheet by using GeoGebra. The aim of using GeoGebra was to attract their attention (the use of software). Actually, I still could discuss the worksheet without GeoGebra, but by using it my explanation was clearer and more interesting.

The next activity was exercising about Linear Programming. In my lesson plan, I set 10 minutes for students to do the exercise and 10 minutes after it to do discussion, but I thought that the students would not focus on doing the exercise because they might be forgotten how to solve the problem about linear Programming. My action was changing my plane; I didn't gave them time to solve the problems, but I directly guide the discussion of it. I think if I let them do the exercises, it was just wasting the time, so I chose to guide them directly, so that they could re-call their memories about solving the problems related to Linear Programming.

After exercising and discussing the problems, I gave them reinforcement of the lesson because after that I scheduled a post-test. Unexpectedly, the time was just 5 minutes remaining, and it was impossible if the students could do the post-test. I was shocked why that thing could happen. After re-think, I guessed that it happened because the time wasted when the students did game "Find your Soul-Mate-Matika". Finally, I changed my plan again; the problems on the post-test were changed to be homework that should be submitted on the next meeting. That’s the only thing the surprised me at that day.

If I re-think about my teaching at that day, I can say that my teaching reflects a good teaching because even I could not have post-test, but I still could make it as homework. The aim of the learning was to review the material, not to assess their understanding, so I still can assess them just by changing the post-test to be homework. Moreover, I could say that my teaching was good because I did some plans (changing the plan), for example when I directly guided them to discuss about Linear Programming, rather than wasting the time by letting them try to solve the problem by themselves.

However, even I thought my teaching was good, I would change my lesson plan, especially in timing. I don’t wanna let my students do exercises and discussion of Composition of Function and Inverse of Function for 38 minutes (it was too long), while the time to do exercises and discussion of Linear Programming for 20 minutes (it was too short). I prefer to reverse it, or to make them equal, 30 minutes for each. Also, I would change the problem when they do game “Find your Soul-Mate-Matika”, I will only give two kinds of paper; one kind of paper consists of f(x) and (f o g)(x), otherwise consists of g(x) and (f o g)(x). For those students who got f(x) and (f o g)(x), then he/she should find his/her soul-mate which got g(x) and the same function of (f o g)(x), while for those students who got g(x) and (f o g)(x), then he/she should find his/her soul-mate which got f(x) and the same function of (f o g)(x), so that they would be easier to find the pair.

Overall, I learned something from my teaching at that time. I learned how to change my plans. During my learning in college about designing lesson plan, I always learn about having plan A, plan B, and plan C, but I never practised the changing plan in my real teaching. Fortunately, I experienced it in my teaching at that time.

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