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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reflection of Positivism vs. Phenomenology


As a researcher candidate, I have to know both of philosophy--positivism and phenomenology--because as a researcher we cannot do research using only one philosophy. Many researches that can’t be done by use one philosophy that we focus on.

For example is phenomenology, we cannot focus on this philosophy to do all of our research because if we want to have a result that represented by statistically, of course we have to know about positivism, and do that research using quantitative research. So, we have to know both of philosophy to decide the best method that will be applied to do any research that depends on our goals.
After I read some reference, I tend to a quantitative person. We know that quantitative has many characteristics, such as collect numerical data, use statistical models, more efficient (not time consuming), objectively, measurement and analysis of target, calculating numbers, etc. Because of many of characteristic that I liked, so my conclusion is I’m a quantitative person.

If I am naturally a quantitative person, what I should do when I have to conduct qualitative research is trying to do my best. I will learn more about qualitative research from many resources, such as book references, internet, lecturers, even my friends that have a good ability to do a qualitative research because it is my obligation to do the research. I won’t give up to study qualitative research that I thought more difficult to be learned (because there is not much characteristic that I have or I like). After I learn more about qualitative research, I hope can conduct it and produce the good research.

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