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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Friday, December 9, 2011

Assessment (as/of/for) Learning

          As we know that assessment is used to measure our students’ understanding. Most of teachers assess them in the end of the lessons. Let’s think for a while, what about during the learning process? Is it needed? We can distinguish the assessment into three parts; assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning. Now, the question is “should in every teaching and learning process using those three parts?”

“Assessment of learning” and “assessment for learning” is shown for teacher’s assessment, while “assessment as learning” is shown for students’ assessment. If we see from both of them, there’s no correlation because one is for teacher assessment, and the rest is for students. Whereas, if we look when the assessment itself occurs, “assessment of learning” occurs in the end of the lesson which purposes to design the next learning. “Assessment as learning” is used by the students on going learning process. Besides, “assessment for learning” is the materials for reflecting and reviewing to the learning that has been occurred. Three of them are interdependent in teaching and learning process.
            Stiggins (2007) said that “assessment of learning” is important in learning process, but he tended to push the teachers to focus on “assessment for learning” because this way can support during the learning process. By focusing to formative assessment, it will increase students’ achievement. Based on the article, it has been mentioned that most of teachers prefer to use summative assessments because formative assessment needs long time to be done, and they have to pay attention the improvement of all students, so they only use summative assessment.
            In Indonesia, we know that in the end of semester the students will have summative assessment final examination (UAS) and for graduating, they will have final examination (UN). The students have to deal with the multiple choices questions and must achieve the standard score that has been given by the government. Actually, that’s good to review and evaluate the students in the end of learning process, but we also have to assess the process in learning using formative assessment. If we focus more on summative assessment, it just make the teachers only focus to examination, then the teachers don’t focus on formative assessment.
            Assessment for learning, assessment as learning, and assessment of learning which is the part of summative assessment and formative assessment is very important in teaching and learning process. So, if we just focus to one of them, will we make a good assessment? Let’s discuss.
by: Group 2
- Ahmad Apriyanto
- Mulyati Sholeha
- Nurvika Putriyana
- Woro Retno Kris Sejati

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