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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Developing Lesson for Teaching and Learning Higher Order Thinking via Logic

Assessment and Evaluation of Students’ Learning
Assessment is a part of teaching and learning process. After implementing our methods in teaching, we have to measure students’ understanding by assessing them whether our teaching is success. One thing that has to be considered is assessing is not as simply as giving a number of score. Some tasks can be assessed by just giving a score quickly, such as multiple choices, short answer, and soon. However, how about drawing task, the essay, or performance task? Will we just think for a moment and give a number for the score then? Of course not, so it needs to be cleared in “how” we scoring them. It needs process to be scored, it is kind an unfair assessment.

Another thing that must be thought is the objectiveness, have we assessed them objectively? How to do it? One of the ways to assess our students objectively is using rubric. Many people say that using rubric will give the most objective score because so many aspects/items that considered to be scored. It’s really different if you don’t use rubric, let say you give the same score for two different-students’-work. Then, what will you say if one of them asks you about it? Will you just say “because your work is great, and his work is great too.” Meanwhile if you use rubric, you can explain them why they get the same score, also the students will know and focus on the aspects that will be scored in the rubric.

To improve students’ thought about logic, we can make an assessment like performance task. We challenge them to present some topics about logic to be performed. For having an effective performance, Gronlund (2006) noted that we have to consider some procedural steps, there are:
1.      Specifying the performance outcomes. We have to determine what we want from the students, so they will not get confuse about what should they do, also they will know the limit of performance that should they present (not exaggerate).
2.     Selecting the focus of the assessment (procedure, product, or both). It’s like a clear assessment, so we can make rubric, and then the students will know the aspect that will be assessed.
3.     Selecting an appropriate degree of realism. It’s for limiting the students to don’t be exaggerated, so they will realize the performance in the context.
4.     Selecting the performance situation. We need to consider the timing, it’s like when the performance task should be done, don’t give this kind of assessment when the students have a lot of works, so they can focus on this task. If we force them, it will affect the successful of this assessment itself.
5.     Selecting the method of observing, recording, and scoring. We have to decide the method which easier for us to assess them, if we need to record their performance, it will be better because we can play the recorder anytime we want, also the student can reflect on their performance.

Another kind of assessment to challenge their logic is portfolio; it’s a collection of students’ work which shows students’ thought and their progress during the learning process. By challenge them to make a portfolio, it also will challenge students’ thought logically. Some objectives from portfolio are:
1. Appreciating students’ progress. We can appreciate all students for their achievement in finishing this work because every single student has his/her own thought.
2.   Documenting learning process that occurs. The teacher can see all students’ ability by assessing their portfolio, it makes teacher easier to evaluate them one by one.
3.   Reflecting students’ capable in taking a risk. It trains the students to responsible on their work because portfolio provides opportunities for the students to evaluate and reflect on their work.
4.   Increasing the effectiveness in learning process. By having portfolio, it helps the teacher to provide another kind of assessment to the students, so it challenges the students and doesn’t assess them in ordinary way (let say paper-and-pencil test).

All in all, we can assess the students’ not only by paper-and-pencil test but performance and portfolio. By doing performance and portfolio, it will increase students’ understanding and makes them think logically to present the logic topic in another way (not answering some questions on the paper). However, do not forget to let them know about the aspects that will be assessed to be their reference, so they will know what should they do, and also know the limitation for doing the work for not exaggerating.

source: Majid, A. (2008). PERENCANAAN PEMBELAJARAN, Mengembangkan Standar Kompetensi Guru. Bandung: ROSDA.

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