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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Reflection of TLTCLSP course

     After attending the lecture of TLTCSP today, I learned about how to teach “the rules of sum and difference of two angles” in small class. Besides, I also got some information about the history of trigonometry. It is started from the founder of trigonometry, the journey of trigonometry itself, and many more. In my last SEP, I taught the first meeting of trigonometry. I also gave some information of the history of trigonometry. However, the information that I read from my book was little bit with the information given by my friends. Honestly, it does not a big problem because the important thing is sharing the information. It means I have to check another reference book.

     The key points that I took from the lecture was the use of PPT in teaching. In my opinion, I have to put as many as materials on PPT because it really helps me in saving the time. Based on my experience, by maximizing the use of PPT it helped me to cut the time for students to take note. I mean, by putting as many as materials in PPT, print it out, and distribute to the students, they don’t need a long time to take the notes. So, by doing that, it really helps me to save the time.
       In my teaching, I will not do the same thing (putting as many as materials, print out, and distribute to the students) in all of my teaching. I will try to create the new methods in my every teaching, so that I can learn the strength and weakness of many teaching methods.

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