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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

First week Reflection of Teaching Experience

         The first week of Teaching Experience has been passed. So many new experiences that I got in SMAN 61 Jakarta, I had a great master teacher, observed some classrooms that had different atmosphere, replaced the teacher who absent, and many more. SMAN 61 Jakarta is the best Senior High School in East Jakarta because of its achievements. The last National Final Exams, SMAN 61 Jakarta occupied the top ten for DKI Jakarta Province, and the top nine was occupied by other Senior High Schools outside of East Jakarta. This school became RSBI in 2007, so they have used Bilingual class for four years. Mathematics is one of the subjects that use English, all of the worksheets and presentation files is made using English, the book is bilingual, and also the teacher, even some the teachers use English in teaching at the most. SMAN 61 Jakarta applies “two teachers for one subject” in each grade, so actually I had two master teachers, but because of something then I only had one mater teacher.
Actually, the main tasks for Teaching Experience are being an assistant of a teacher, and micro teaching for 2 x 20 minutes. Unfortunately, I did not experience it yet, so I just collected some information or data of the schools. My master teacher is Miss Rim, for me she is one of a great teacher because of her action in the classrooms was really great. Not only her English, but also her classroom management was great. She teaches 10th grade, 4 classes, and three days a week; Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Her background is Mathematics Education from Christian University of Indonesia (UKI). I guess so many students like her because of her appearance. It was really like 21st century teacher. It’s so inspiring me, a nice appearance, fluent English, a great classroom management, etc.
 At the previous Monday, 17th Oct 2011, Miss Rima did not come to the school because of sick. On the Tuesday, she came then we had a discussion about our teaching preparation. She assigned me to teach “Linear Inequalities” in two classes, 2x45 minutes for each class at the first meeting, and then 1x45 minutes for each class for the 2nd meeting. She also suggested me to use one book which students’ use. After read the material, I wondered “why the material is so short?” Then I’ll use my own book for the reference. Another discussion, she asked me to teach in the second week. She wanted me to observe her class in the first week, than asked me to prepare my lesson plan for my teaching next week. I observed her classes – X.5 and X.6 – for twice on Tuesday, but she only taught 1x30 minutes for each class because there was a school event, so I still haven’t seen her lesson plan. The atmosphere of those classes really different, one was quiet, the other was talkative, but she overcame it nicely. I don’t know why the first class was quiet, either because of Miss Rima as home-teacher (wali kelas), or another reason
On Wednesday, she did not come because she doesn’t have any class, so I prepared my lesson plan at that time to be counseled on the Thursday. On Thursday, we discussed my lesson plan, and then she needed to consider and give feedback in her house, so she will give feedback objectively and give my lesson plan on Friday. Even she had not any class for Friday, but she had to come to the school because of school’s event–inauguration of OSIS’ leader. Early Friday, she gave my lesson plan that has been corrected–feedback, and then she suggested me to use another book as reference for my teaching. In fact, the material in that book is quiet much, but more systematic. Then she gave me time until Friday Pray to fix my lesson plan, so I worked hard by myself. How about my partner? He did not come on Wednesday and Friday, so I made my lesson plan by self and he only added some ideas on Thursday. After Friday Pray, I had the last discussion of the first week with her. She liked my lesson plan, my presentation file, and she hoped I can implement it nicely when teaching.
Before we had the last discussion, she assigned me to come to class X.3 and X.4. The teacher was absent, but she had made a worksheet about Logarithm. She asked Miss Rima to come to the class, but Miss Rima asked me to do it. Because of I’m Miss Rima’s assistant, so I agreed and come to those classes. That’s the first time I come to the classroom alone. I was quiet nervous when they asked me to teach them, whereas I have not any preparation for teaching Logarithm, and also because there was not any marker, then I did not teach them. I just sat on teacher’s chair, and then they come one by one to ask some questions, that were such as a really great experience for me.
About the implementation of my Lesson Plan, I only can prepare the best of myself and the tools for teaching next week. I really hope that my preparations will success in two classes, X.1 and X.2–the classes which I never observe before.
I learned how to manage the classroom nicely; it’s like what I should do when the atmosphere is really quiet or very talkative. If the classroom so quiet, I should force some students to answer the question, for the talkative classroom, I should quiet for a while, waiting until the class becomes quiet, and then continuing my teaching and learning. It sounds so mean, but that’s what I’ve learned. I really hope can learn more tricks for managing my classroom and I’m sure the 2nd week will be more challenging, and more interesting. I really hope so.

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