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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Identities among the Others

source: (click here)
How do I define my identities? Actually, identity is not merely about my name only, but also covers my life. In example my identities are a child of my parents, a student of SSE, a Moslem, an Indonesian, and soon. Every part of my identities has its own place, for example when I am as a child of my parents, my main place is in my own home because I can do everything there, such as eating as much as I want, sleeping, using short pants and many more.
On the other hand, when I am as a student in SSE, “my place” is SSE campus itself. Our lecturers are like our parents, so they have a responsibility of me (but, someone who has to be the most responsible of myself is me). In campus, I have to act differently like what I do in my home because my Identity as a child doesn’t occur, but my parents still have a responsibility as the 3rd person after myself and my lectures, so where ever we stand up, we may have double or even triple identities, but only some identities which dominate.
Talking about Identity among the others means that people have their own identities. We may have the same Identity with them, such as a child of our parents, a student of SSE, but we also may have the different identity like as a Moslem, Christian, and soon. Gathering with people who have different identities is an ordinary thing in our daily life, but how I overcome it? Let say in SSE, consists of four religions; Moslem, Christian, Catholic, and Hindu. For now, the amount of Moslem is more than the others. I am a Moslem that has some friends who have a different religion.
How do I communicate my Identities among others? I do respect them. Even I am a part of majority, but it does not mean I can dominate the environment because somehow we will face the same thing as a minority. For example in the last Teaching Experience, some of my Moslem friends assigned to Christian’s schools. I just imagined how if I assigned to go to there too, being a Moslem who is surrounded by Christian is a kind of minority. Should I do not pray in there? Will they forbid me to pray? Or will they ask me to follow their activities for praying by their way? Of course no because they respect me, so the key is RESPECT. If we need a respect from the others, we just need to respect them. By respect to each other, it can solve about minority and majority.
Finally, that’s my reflection about my identities among the others. Actually, I emphasized to respect to each other because it’s for my learning even it does not always as easy as we say, so let’s respect to each other to get their respect on ourselves. (:

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