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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Monday, November 21, 2011

Teaching and Learning Logic, and Its Issues

A.   Logic: What is Logic? Why must learn it? How important is it?
          When we talk about logic, it’s about the statements either valid or invalid, proving, etc. The word “logic” is derived from Greek “logikos/logike” means “intellectual, dialectical, argumentative, and possessed of reason.” One of the implementation of logic is computing machinery which is fundamental to computer science. Learning about logic is very important, for example for learning Geometry; it requires us to have knowledge about logic for proving the theorems, by learning about logic helps us to do reasoning in solving problem in our daily life.

B.   Logic in Indonesia Secondary Mathematics Curriculum
In Indonesia, one of the goals for learning Math is that the students have the ability to deduce generalization and to prove and explain ideas and statement of Mathematics, for achieving that goal we need the material of logic to be learned. The Standard Competence in learning Logic in Indonesia consists of four;
-    Understanding of Mathematics statements and its negations
-    Determining the truth value of compound or quantified statements
-    Formulating statements equivalent to the statements given
-    Using principles of logic related to compound and quantified statements to draw conclusion or to solve problem.

C.    Characteristics and Principles of Logic
There are two branches of logic:
1)   Deductive logic is about reasoning processes in which the claim being reasoned is supposed to follow with certainty from evidence presented.
2)   Inductive logic is about reasoning processes in which the claim being reasoned is only supposed to follow with likelihood from evidence presented.
Also, we have two different ways of doing logic:
1)   Formal logic is translating in reasoning process from English into a symbolic language.
2)   Informal logic is no translating, we simply examine and evaluate in ordinary speech.
After that, we can conclude from the branches and the ways of doing logic into four different types:
1)   Formal Deductive Logic
2)   Formal Inductive Logic
3)   Informal Deductive Logic
4)   Informal Inductive Logic

D.   Logic in Secondary School
1)   Standard Competence
As I mentioned in part B about the standard competence of learning logic, to achieve all of them the students would be given materials about statements and its derivation, compound statements, convers, invers, contraposition, existential and universal quantification, syllogism, modus ponens, modus tollens, and proving mathematical statements.
2)   Sentence and Statement
A statement is a sentence which either true or false and not both, so a statement must be a sentence, but not vice versa. For example, “Susi Susanti is a female athlete of badminton,” is a true statement. “The root of 4 is 4,” is the false statement. “The sentence 2x+2 = 1” is called an open sentence which we can’t decide its truth or falsity.
3)   Create New Statement
We can create (a) new statement(s) from its negation, disjunction, conjunction, converse, inverse, and contraposition. For example, the negation of “3 + 4x > 5” is “3 + 4x < 5”. We can compound two statements by using “or” and “and”. The statements which are compounded using “or” is called “disjunction,” it uses symbol “v” in example “p or q” is symbolized by “p v q”.
Meanwhile the statements which are compounded using “and” is called “conjunction,” it uses symbol “^” in example “p and q” is symbolized by “p ^ q”. Other types of statement are “implication” and “bi-implication”. We use “->” for “implication” and it’s read “if…then,” for example “if p=2, then 2p=4” can be written as “p=2 -> 2p = 4”. For instance, we use “<->” for “bi-implication” and it’s read “if and only if,” for example “y=4 if and only if 3y=12” can be written as “y=4 <-> 3y=12”.

4)   Argument and Deduction
An argument consists of some promises and a conclusion. For example:
Example 1
Nisa loves blue.
The book is blue.
So, Nisa loves the book.
The argument looks valid, but it doesn’t mean Nisa loves every single blue thing, so it’s inductive inference.

Example 2
All animals will extinct.
Cat is an animal.
So, cat will extinct.
The argument must be true for there does not exist any possibility other than “cat will extinct,” so it’s kind of deductive inference.

E.    Problems and Difficulties in Learning Logic and Its Solution: Research Based
The problems that usually happen are:
1)   Difficulty Varies with Principle, Content, and Complexity
Generally, students better on logic task about valid arguments (implication and bi-implication) than invalid arguments (converse and inverse)
2)   Generalizing from a small sample
Students often draw a general conclusion from a single example or a few examples.
3)   Dismissing a constraint
Many students are baffled by problems involving multiple constraints and often simply disregard one or more of the constraint.
4)   Adding Unwarranted Constraint
Students commonly make assumptions about problems that are misleading, and so reduce their flexibility in solving problem.
5)   Confusing if with only if
Most of them misinterpret and wrong in distinguishing “if-then” and “if and only if”
6)   Logic Instruction:
-    Children need ample and regular opportunities to practice using reasoning skills and making conjectures.
-    Encourage educated guessing
-    Help children understand the value of negative feedback in deducing and answer
-    Underscore the importance of intuitive thought and inductive reasoning and why and how they should be checked
7)   Informally Evaluating Reasoning:
-    Encourage children to use counterexamples to identify invalid conjectures or deductive arguments
-    Using Euler diagrams to evaluate deductive arguments.

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