is God? Who is God? Do you believe in God? Why we have to believe in God? Why
we have to pray to Him? Does God exist? Many questions surround my mind.
Something that I have learned since I was a child, God is an abstract thing.
God was not born and does not bear. God has not any faces, has not gender, does
not eat, does not sleep, and soon. My family and my teachers said that God
created human, animals, plants, earth, planets, solar system and many more,
whereas God is just an abstract thing, and then how come an-abstract-thing does
that? The resources are from Al-Quran and Hadists, Al-Quran and Hadists tell us
about the presence of God, the power of God, the story of the prophets, etc.
Again, I wonder that who has written an Al-Quran and Hadists? Does it true that
Al-Quran and Hadists created by God and the prophet? My family and my teacher
just made sure about it to me. They just implant believe of God in my mind,
time goes by then I believe about God’s presence.
How do
I believe in God? I meant how do I believe in an abstract thing? My family and
my teachers taught me how to say thanks to God. It’s not only say “thank you
God,” but also more than that because God doesn’t need it, what is it for?
Likewise, God wants us to pray to Him to prove that we are very thank you to
Him. Again, why God needs to be prayed? Will He give us everything we want? If
yes, why so many people who have often pray repeatedly still have problems in
their life? I don’t know how to answer it, I just sure that every kind of
problems can be solved by praying to Him. He will give me some ways to overcome
it, and then may be because of His help then I really believe in His existence.
single person in the world has their own faith about God. All of us sure that
God is the one who has the highest place in somewhere, He created everything,
and soon, however there are some people who don’t believe in God. Many theories
about God which presented by the people, Emile Durkheim stated that God is just
an agreement of one community, so that they create their own God as the symbol
to be worshipped. Durkheim statement happens in our life since the old year
until at present, many communities have their own “God,” and then it makes an
inference that so many God. Which God that should we believe in? Only ourselves
who can answer the question because everyone has his own faith about God. Just
believe in nature’s conditions, something abstract, and then I believe in God’s