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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Monday, October 1, 2012

Starting CLS-EE Course

source: (click here)
In this-fifth-semester, I have a pedagogical course which is called "Classroom Language Strategies: Explaining and Exemplifying" or we make it short CLS-EE Course. I guess, this course will explore much more on how do we explain and exemplify in the mathematical classroom with many strategies. In the beginning of this course, all of the students should answer three questions. Here, I just wanna share my answers.

1)     Is the mathematics teacher’s ability in explaining & exemplifying really important? Why? Aren’t there other ways of teaching & learning mathematics?

Yes, it is. The mathematics teacher’s ability in explaining and exemplifying is really important because the students will get confuse or will get nothing in learning mathematics if the teacher does not give the explanations and the examples properly. Also, if the teacher does not have a good ability in explaining and exemplifying, the worst thing that happens is the students are wrong in understanding the concept. If the teacher gives wrong explanation or chooses the wrong example, the student may be confused. Moreover, if they have a wrong concept, it will affect to their learning in the future. There are so many ways in teaching and learning mathematics; by playing games, using software, doing role plays, and etc. However, the part of explaining and exemplifying exist in every way of teaching and learning mathematics; explaining and exemplifying cannot be separated from the teaching and learning mathematics.

2)    If it is, when should teachers give explanations & examples? When should teachers stop giving explanations & examples? When does a teacher know when his/her explanations & examples are too much or too little?

The teachers should give explanations and examples when he/she wants to teach the basic concepts of mathematics. The explanation and examples are not necessarily given in the beginning of the lesson; it can be done in the end of the lesson. I meant in introducing a new concept, we can give problems to the students to solve in the beginning of the lesson. After that, we guide them to find the concept by their thought; we let them build their mind by themselves. Next, we can sum up or give the conclusion from students’ thought and give another example in the end of the lesson to make sure that they are in the right way in having the true concept. However, we may not give the explanations and examples too much because it doesn’t sharp students’ critical thinking; it is just like filling students’ thought by our thought. We can stop giving explanations and examples when the students seem understand the topic. We can ask the low-achiever-student to make sure that he/she understands the topic. I think, if they have understood the topic, it means the whole class has understood too and we can stop giving explanations and examples. When we give too much explanation and example, it can cause the students feel bore, so we should stop in giving explanations and examples. Meanwhile, if students’ expression shows that they have not understood yet, it means we should give more explanation and examples; may be our explanations and examples are too short.

3)    What is the main goal of teaching mathematics? Can the teacher’s ability to explain & exemplify help reach that goal? How?

The main goals of teaching mathematics understand the concept of mathematics itself and then apply it in daily life. The teachers’ ability in explaining and exemplifying are a part of the success in reaching the goals themselves. If the teacher gives a clear explanation and chooses the proper examples, the students will understand the concept clearly and it is helped by understanding the proper examples, so that the students can apply it in daily life.

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