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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Monday, January 28, 2013

Intrinsic Motivation Vs. Extrinsic Motivation

Friday, 28-09-2012 I attended the first meeting of MMSEL course. As its name – Motivation and Management of Students for Effective Learning – I tried to imagine how the classes would be. Thinking about motivation, I just directly think about the theories. I was so excited to know the theories of motivation. Yup! I was right!
source: (click here)
In the beginning of the class I learnt about two kinds of motivation – intrinsic and extrinsic. The master of this course – Mr. Imam Malik – made me shock about the definition of motivation. He told that some experts believe that the real motivation is intrinsic motivation, while the extrinsic motivation is not a part of motivation.

Based on that statement, it means that if someone has an intrinsic motivation in doing or learning something, s/he is really love it because of his/her heart. In contrast, if someone has an extrinsic motivation in doing or learning something, it means s/he doesn’t start it from his/her heart, instead of extraneous variable or others reasons.

Started at that time, I just realized and flashback to myself. Many of my activities were done by extrinsic motivation. For example, in the first semester my target for GPA was 4.00, but I failed to reach it. I was jealous to my friends who succeeded to get 4.00. So, in the second semester I worked hard in every subject so that I could achieve that number of GPA. 

I think, my motivation to get 4.00 in second semester was because of my jealousy to my friends, it was not because I wanted to learn the subjects. So, I conclude that I just had an extrinsic motivation. Another story, since I was a child, I grew with the extrinsic motivation. My parents always said that if I could be the first rank on my class, I would be given a present, it was kind of extrinsic motivation, wasn’t it?

However, not all what I have done were because of extrinsic motivation. It’s about mathematics. I couldn’t imagine how I love mathematics. When I was a child, I often learn mathematics further than my friends. I mean, I often explore some material that had not given by my teacher. Even, when I was in Junior High School, I explored some material on the Senior High School. I just felt that mathematics is very hard, but challenging. I did it because I really wanna be a mathematician, so I keep exploring some chapters further than what my friends learn about in the class. I’m really sure that it’s the part when the intrinsic motivation plays its role in my life.

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