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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Monday, January 28, 2013

Today's Story

Friday, 2th November 2012 I attended the fourth MMSEL course. The agenda was presentation. Still in the same group, we should present our topic. The first group presented about “The Influence of Beliefs on Motivation to Learn”, the second group presented about “The Influence of Goal, Interest, and Emotion on Motivation to Learn”, and the third group (my group) presented about “Climate Variables”.

The thing that I remembered about each group’s way to present the topics. The first group adapted a TV program called “Take Jomblo Out”, the second group adapted a TV program called “Mamah Dedeh”, and my group adapted “Mas and Miss Universe”.

I did not really enjoy watching the first and the second group presentation because I was busy to take note. I did it because Pak Malik said that we would have a quiz in the end of the class, so I should really pay attention and take notes from the presentations.

Unfortunately, the quiz was cancelled whether because of the limitation of the time or it was just a trick. If the quiz was cancelled because of the time, ya it’s true because we spent more than 150 minutes as usual in that course. Moreover, at that time Pak Malik came late to the class because he forgot that he had teach our class at that day, so we started the course at 2.30pm instead of 2pm.

However, if the quiz was just a trick to make the students focus on the presentation, Pak Malik did it very well. And I will try to use this way in my teaching to make my students focus on my lesson.

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