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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Worksheet "Estimate its volume!"

Worksheet “Estimate its volume!”
Name : …………
Class : VII….
ID    : …………


1. Estimate the volume of this IPAD which has 10 cm length, 3 cm wide, and 20 cm height!
2. Estimate the volume of this SPEAKER (in m3) which has 12 dm height, 2 dm length, and 1,5 dm wide!
3. Estimate the volume of this BOOK (in m3) which has 100 mm length, 250 mm height, and 50 mm wide!
4. Two planets below has different diameter. The diameter of the first and the second planet are 28.000 km and 42.000 km respectively. Estimate the total volume of the planets below!
5. The PILLAR shown has 1,5 m of radius and 50 m of height. Estimate its volume!
6. The cylinder MACHINE below has 100 cm of radius and 10 cm of tall. Estimate its value in littre!
7. The picture below shows eight similar PILLAR which has 3000 mm of radius and 100.000 mm of tall. Estimate its value in m3 !

After you estimating all volume of each figure, please estimate their surface area. Submit this worksheet in the end of the lesson, and then submit the result of the surface area in the next meeting.

Have a nice working!

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