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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Self Reflection of UET (written) Course

                During the UET written class, I learn so many things. It was started from writing reflection, making instruction, making worksheet, writing letter, commenting on student’s worksheet and many more. Writing of those things were not easy, we had to consider every single sentence to make sure that our students will understand what we write. My common mistake was mistyping, for instance “quite” instead of “quiet”. Another mistake was about singular vs. plural. I often used singular subject, but I did not put s/es after the verb. Moreover, my mistake was the coherence of each sentence, and each paragraph because so many unnecessary sentences that I used in my writing. I had revised some my writing. I hope it was better than my previous writing. I’m waiting for the next lesson in UET written languages. I’m sure that the next material will be more challenging. Hopefully, my writing in the end of semester will be much better than another my writing.

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