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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Multiple Intelligences vs. Bloom's Taxonomy

Learning how to be a teacher is hard, but is interesting. As a teacher, I have so many students who have different level of thinking, different intelligences, and different types of learning. Those things guide me to act and think creatively in delivering my lessons. “Multiple Intelligences” (MI) and “Bloom’s Taxonomy” (BT) is two ways that can solve those things - different level of thinking, different intelligences, and different types of learning. Then, another “question” is how to create and implement MI and BT in my lesson? As we know, BT means “challenging tasks,” so the activities are ordered from the easiest until the hardest. Last week, I learned how to create some activities using BT for learning. My partner and I chose the topic about “color,” then we create some activities which could be done in one day teaching, I mean the activities could be finished in once meeting. We started from remembering the colors by singing a song, watching a video, differentiating primary and secondary colors, and then we finished by creating and evaluating about the mixed-colors, so the activities are ordered increasingly.

After re-thinking about the MI activities that were made by my friends, most of them made MI became project. It’s like make a drama, my friends divided some tasks for each students who have different intelligences. For example, for the musical-person their task is making a song, for logical-person their task is budgeting, for visual-person their task is arranging the places, something like that. Most of my friends made MI like that. My mind wonders “does MI always like that?” I mean can MI be used in once meeting?
Annas’ group made activities for once meeting; a program for separating garbage. Actually, it’s great, but they set the program for “visual-auditory-kinesthetic learners.” My question is “is MI same with visual-auditory-kinesthetic learners?” I think they are different because MI consists of 8 types of intelligences, meanwhile visual-auditory-kinesthetic is the kinds of learning-style. So guys, what do you think of this? Do you wanna share your ideas with me? :D

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