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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Monday, January 28, 2013

"Serious Management Problems: Violence and Aggression" and "A New Milestone of Teaching-Learning Model"

The last MMSEL course was the last MMSEL course for this semester :’( . at that time we learnt two topics. The first was about “Serious Management Problems: Violence and Aggression” (watching the Group three’s video) and then continued by learning about “A New Milestone of Teaching-Learning Model”.

Group three’s video showed two kinds of bullying that exist in the school: aggression and violence. The main roles at that video were the student who did aggression (Wia) and her friend who did violence (Haryo).

Before I heard their explanation, here was my conclusion. I do agree if Wia is someone who did the aggression because she really did it because of herself. However, for Haryo who did violence, I think Group three did not consider the background why Haryo did it. Actually, Haryo did violence because he was the real victim of bullying. He was bullied verbally by Wirman, but Group three did not consider Wirman as the person who did bullying. So, I think it’s somewhat unfair. They should involve three of them as the people who did bullying rather than just two of them.

However, after I heard their explanation, I just understood that Wirman was deliberate in bullying to Haryo so that Haryo did violence to Wirman. I just understood that the violence was caused by the Wirman’s bullying. So now I have understood the differences between Aggression and Violence.

After learning about it, we continued to learn about “A New Milestone of Teaching-Learning Model”. After watching a movie-clip about Ana Sullivan and Hellen Keller, we discussed about the masterpiece. Next, we were divided into some groups consisted of three or four members. My group consisted of three members. We decided to make two masterpieces.

The first masterpiece was about a series of mathematics books called “Mathematics around Us, integrated with software and internet”. There are 4 series:
1) Number (for Elementary, Secondary, and Advance)
2) Algebra (for Elementary, Secondary, and Advance)
3) Geometry and Measurement (for Elementary, Secondary, and Advance)
4) Probability and Statistics (for Elementary, Secondary, and Advance)

Those series of books will be created by the masters of mathematics who graduate from SSE/USBI. The books will be consulted with the Professors of SSE/USBI.

The second masterpiece was about Multiple Intelligent School. This is a secondary school, so that it will have three levels. The first level, all of the students will learn as usual by experiencing all methods of teaching (based on eight multiples of intelligences).

In the second year, they should choose for intelligences that they like most, so they will be more focus for their future. The third year, they will choose two or three multiple intelligences so that they will be more focus on sharping his/her intelligences.

For graduating from this school, they should create something new based on intelligences that he/she interested for the most, so it’s like creating a new product. Moreover, every semester they should do “Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL)” that can sharp their skills and intrapersonal.

I think those masterpieces are reachable to be executed. Like a wise word says “If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney.

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