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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Monday, June 24, 2013

Short Reflection of Microteaching Course

Microteaching is one of the good ways to improve someone’s ability to be an effective teacher. I, as one of students who join this course, felt so lucky because of the advantages that I got during this semester. Some advantages are:

1)   Designing Lesson Plans
As an effective teacher, the ability of planning and managing time should be very good. In this class, I learned to plan and manage 30 minutes to perform a topic of mathematics. It really challenges my skill. It was not easy because usually I design teaching and learning for 2 x 45 minutes in School Experience Program, but now I have to design it only in 1 x 30 minutes, so there were so many consideration that I made; time, method of teaching, and etc. After planning and designing the plans, my lesson plan was commented by others. After that, I should revise it, so again and again my skill of planning and managing was challenged.

2)   Performing Lessons
Every student has chance to do microteaching once, based on the lesson plan revised. I learned so many things here such as using technology during my teaching, appreciating every student who participates in the classroom, maximizing the use of the space in classroom, and many more. Moreover, I learned to be consistent but flexible during the teaching based on the lesson plan. Sometimes, the lesson that I design do not run well, so I should think smart how to achieve the learning objectives by the situation that happens.

3)   Being Assessor
When I was being assessor, I also learned so many things from my friends’ teaching. Some of the lessons learned were like how to grab students’ attention by showing our spirit as the teacher, how to make a good presentation file, and etc. Talking about grabbing students’ attention is not only using technology in our teaching. The thing I learned from my friends, they use some “funny words” in the classroom agreement; that was good. Moreover, being assessor makes me reflect on how I speak in front of my students. I commented on my friend speaking, such as the intonation, clear instruction, grammar, and many more. It makes me reflect on how I speak when I do the microteaching.

All in all, those advantages will enhance my ability to be an effective teacher. My suggestion for this course is for each teacher should have twice chance to do microteaching, so that every teacher will make improvement in their second teaching because once teaching never enough.

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