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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ahmad Apriyanto's Story

Ahmad Apriyanto. What comes on your mind after read that two-words-name? Is he a male? Yes, of course! Was he born on April? Yes, you are right! Is Yanto his father’s name? Let’s check it out!

          I am Ahmad Apriyanto, the owner of that name (even not only me that have that name), and here is my story. I was born on April 22nd, 1993. At that time my sisters were young and adolescent, many of their friends played at my home. Actually, their friends are our neighbor too, so my home was full of adolescents. Then my sisters and their friends compromised about something special, can you guess it? Yap, that’s it! They discussed my name, a little cute handsome healthy baby (at that time, hahhaha). After they decided my name, they proposed it to my parents. My parents happily when they heard my name, so my parents decided to give that name as my personal identity, yap Ahmad Apriyanto!
          My question is “why must Ahmad Apriyanto”? Why not “kartono”? Whereas, I was born one day after RA. Kartini’s birthday. Also, why they did not put my parents’ name at all, instead of “Yanto”? The worse thing is why my parents agreed to do not put their name in their new baby’s name? Hemmm, my mind wonders all the time until I asked it to my parents. Finally, I got the answer about who is “Yanto”. Actually he is a doctor who helped my mom when I was born to the world, waaaw he is my hero! Without him, my mom will get difficulty to bear her cute lovely handsome healthy baby – myself.
          Next, I also wonder about “Ahmad”. Is he another doctor? No! Is he Tukang Becak or Tukang Ojeg who help my mom? Of course not! So who is he? Hemm actually “Ahmad” word is derived from our Prophet Muhammad SAW. How come Muhammad becomes Ahmad? I don’t know the reason yet, but I am sure that my family and my sisters’ friends want me to be a person who has similar characteristics with him. Ya, even it’s really difficult to have the similar characteristics like Muhammad, but I always try to follow his Hadist. Try to do all things that he proposed to his followers. They were not in objection to do not put their name in my name. That’s why my parents agreed to put “Ahmad” word, menawhile about “Apri”, I think you have known the reason. It’s because I was born on April, so to make simple, it becomes Ahmad Apriyanto.
          Thinking appropriateness, people have their own right to use a name for identity, including me. Even that’s okay if you wanna use Allah’s name (Asmaul Husna). So, I really enjoy having my own name. I know that many people use “Ahmad” in the world, also “Apriyanto”, but based on my experience I have not friend who uses “Ahmad Apriyanto” as his name.
          I'm proud to be called Apriyanto, even I am well-known as Mamed. I really appreciate someone that calls me Apriyanto. So? Why should I change my name? “Ahmad Apriyanto” must be exist even my body doesn’t exist anymore in this world. Proud of my name!! :D

This picture describes my personality..

          Actually, through the picture I wanna say that I tend to be an introvert and humorous person because everything I feel whether sad or happy, I will always smile to everyone, but please don't ever think that I'm crazy. Thanks :D ..

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