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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Monday, October 3, 2011

Introduction to Teaching Numbers in High School

A.     Introduction to Teaching Numbers
Numbers or Complex Numbers is the set of all Real numbers and Imaginary numbers, but in teaching numbers in high school we only teach about Real Numbers. Real numbers consists of Rational and Irrational numbers. Rational numbers is the set of all numbers that can be expressed as  a/b, and b 0, whereas irrational numbers is like π, e, √2, and soon. The main point of learning numbers understands of numbers, the system, properties, and its application in our daily life. We have to make our students to understand numbers, not just remembering it because according to Kamii and Dominick 1998, if the students only memorize without understanding, they will get confuse of methods or forget the steps, so they will get hard to apply the numbers in their life.
B.      Content Standards of Numbers in Secondary Mathematics in Indonesia
Indonesian standard in teaching numbers in high school is less than NCTM standard. In 7th grade, Competency Standard of numbers is only “Understand the characteristics of number operation and its use in problem solving,” and for the 9th grade is “Understand the characteristics of exponential numbers and radical numbers, and its use in solving problems,” also “Understand sequence and progression and its use in problem solving.” Whereas, for NCTM standard for 7th and 9th grades are more than that, we can check it in www.nctm.org/standards/content.aspx?id=7564#numbers.

C.      NCTM Standards for Teaching Number and Operation for Grades 9-12
As I said before, the NCTM standard is more than Indonesian standard, and we can check it in the website above. The standards are deeper, clearer, and more specific. It makes the students more easily to apply it in their life.

D.     Students’ Problem and Students’ Difficulties in Learning Numbers: Researched based
Generally, some problems that faced by the students are:
a.    Incomplete in mastery of number facts.
Ex: operation of two negative numbers: -3+4=… ; 5-(-6)… ; -4(-2)=… ; -9/(-3)=…
b.    Misread or misunderstand signs “>” , “<” , “≤” , and “≥”
Ex: solving inequalities: 3x-2y ≤ 24 ; -7x+2y > 6, and soon.
c.    Difficult to link the connection between numbers and their experiences.
d.    Difficult to solve the problems dealing with numbers and real life.
e.    Teaching ability of teachers which causes unclear and not understanding in students.
f.    Understanding about fraction.
g.    Representing very large number and very small number.
Ex: 0.00000009895623 = 9.895623 x 10-8

E.      Teachers’ Problem in Teaching Numbers
Some problems which exist on the teachers are:
a.      Teacher’s ability in presenting the material in appropriate topic and understandable.
b.     Difficult to identify the concept which is needed to move to next chapter or concept and linking it to the previous concept.
c.      Difficult to explain mathematical ideas and ability to engage the students.
d.     Sequencing the topics. Most of them follow the suggested flow of the text book which sometimes is not really good to be followed.

F.      Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Teaching Numbers
They have to focus on:
a.      Improving teachers’ ability in connecting mathematical ideas, the learning process can be meaningful and connected.
b.     Classroom instruction to organize the class and employing the technology around us.
c.      Making the transition from one activity to the next activities.

G.        Teaching Number System
a.    Why learn number system?
We have to learn numbers because it is a part of solving problems in our daily life. Without learning it, we cannot calculate anything, so it’s really important to be learned.

b.    Number System
Students in high school should develop their understanding of:
-      Real numbers and its system.
-      Distinguishing the rational and irrational numbers.
-      Exploring the new systems, such as matrices and vectors.
-      Using matrices and connect it to another concept of math, for example using matrices to solve linear equations.

c.    Computation and Estimation
-      The students must be able estimate, appropriate approximation in answering the problems.
-      Selecting suitable steps for computing, ability to use calculators and computers.

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