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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Teaching Numbers: Designing Lesson and Its Resources

A)   Designing Lesson
Being a teacher is like an artist who act in front of the students, we play and act based on scenario – lesson plan, without lesson plan, our learning will not be structured nicely. A good lesson plan is when it is made on daily or weekly basis because we can prepare our teaching materials, whereas for the government schools (Sekolah Negeri) the teachers have o make lesson plan for 1 year in a week, I meant they are pushed to make lesson plan for 1 year in the beginning of semester. For me, it’s a bad program because if we have to make lesson plan for a year, it will be an archive only. So, it’s good to make lesson plan for daily or weekly basis.

B)   Ten Steps to Develop A Quality Lesson Plan
Here are 10 steps which can make our lesson plan to be good;
1) Considering the way to teach the topics based on our state or our school standard.
2) Deciding the objectives; the result of learning and activities that we want.
3) Deciding the tools which should be used in our learning.
4) Writing an “Anticipatory Set” to develop our students’ interest in learning.
5) Making step-bye-step procedures that will be performed in our learning to reach the objectives.
6) Giving time for independent practice and solving problem. It’s like brain teaser, it’s better to give it in the beginning to engage and them happy.
7) Creating the closure before assessing our students.
8) Creating the assessments to check whether our objectives are reached or not.
9) Adaptation for the students who have learning disabilities, we have to differentiate it with the normal students.
10) Including a “connection” section for our learning to be integrated with other subjects.

C)    Steps in Designing Lesson to Enhance Mathematical Power
    a) Choosing the challenging but interesting task such as game or puzzle to deepen their understanding. 
   b) Create a program to learn Math outside the classroom, for example in Math lab, Computer Lab, etc. 
    c) Choosing technology to provide them to investigate mathematics. For example graphic calculator, software; Geogebra, Maple, etc, nternet, and soon. 
    d)      Seeking and helping students’ seek. 
    e)      Choosing the method such as small-group, cooperative learning; Jig-saw, Team Games Tournament, etc.

D)       Selecting Effective Teaching Strategies. 
   a) In educational research, it has proven that teaching strategies that are interactive, multidisciplinary, integrated, experimental, varied, and connected to students’ daily life are effective.
   b) There is no single best method in teaching, we have to mix and match it based on our material that will be taught.
   c) Choosing the method should considered instructional objectives, the characteristic of the students, the school regulations, and soon.

E)        Activities for Teaching Numbers
We have to provide our students to have some activities in outdoor such as computer lab to give them opportunities to do exploration.
a)      Sample of Activities on Mathematics Research for Secondary School
-          Finding “pi” value in a group
-          Finding “ABC” formula
b)      Writing in Math Classroom
-          Summarizing of reports on doing math project.
-          Math portfolio
c)       Using Technology with Math Project
-          Doing research by collecting the information from Internet in group
-          Doing exhibition, etc.

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