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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Introduction to Teaching Secondary Mathematics

A.                What is Mathematics?
The word mathematics comes from mathematikos from the Greek that has meaning of “inclined to learn.” At present, mathematics is looked in three different ways:
1.         Mathematics as the sum of its branches.
In example, we have learned about Arithmetic, Algebra, Combinatory, and Geometry through our schools. Since we learned it, it means that we learn mathematics.
2.         As a way to model mathematics.
Mathematics is a queen of science, so every science is based on mathematics. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economy, Accounting, and soon are based on mathematics. Without mathematics, we cannot learn them.
3.         Mathematics as a language.
Mathematics has a various vocabularies and grammar that sometimes have different meaning with Bahasa Indonesia, or English. Mathematics is used to make something unclear to be clear, make something abstract to be understandable easily. By using mathematics as a language in our daily live, we can solve so many problems in the real world.

B.                Misconception about Mathematics
Benneth and Briggs (2002) consider that there are six misconception about mathematics:
1.         Mathematics requires special brain
2.         The Mathematics in modern issues is too complex
3.         Mathematics makes you less sensitive
4.         Mathematics makes no allowance for creativity
5.         Mathematics provides exact answer
6.         Mathematics is irrelevant to my life
That’s why so many people feel fear of mathematics or it is often called “Math Phobia”.
C.                Problem and Learning Difficulties in Mathematics
Many people face the problems and difficulties when they learned mathematics because of some reasons:
1.         Incomplete Mastery of Number Facts
The students are required to remember the computation. Ex: 9x8 = 72
2.         Computational Weakness
The students are inconsistent when they were computing, they misread the plus or minus sign, wrong typed the numbers, wrong put the correct columns, etc.
3.         Difficulty Transferring Knowledge
Because of the wrong strategy that is used by the teacher, it makes the students feel difficult to transform the abstract conceptual of mathematics into the real world.
4.         Making Connection
The students difficult to connect the mathematical concepts to their experience. They feel hard to recall and apply their previous knowledge to the new situation.
5.         Incomplete Understanding of the Language of Mathematics
The students don’t understand mathematics because of their ability in reading, writing, and speaking. They have difficulty in verbal and written instruction.
6.         Difficulty Comprehending the Visual, Spatial and Perceptual Difficulties
The students have difficulty on visualizing mathematical concept. In example is 3-D shape.
In general, so many mathematics difficulties that exist, there are:
1.      Output Difficulties
The students feel hard to recall their previous knowledge.
2.      Organizational Difficulties
The students answer the problem not in order.
3.      Language Difficulties
The students don’t understand the vocabularies, or the language in the problems.
4.      Attention Difficulties
The students easily loss of their concentration.
5.      Visual Spatial or Ordering Difficulties
The students have difficulties on interpreting and manipulating geometrical shape.
6.      Difficulties with Multiple Tasks
The students have a bad ability in managing the tasks.

D.                The Content Standards for Secondary Mathematics (Background)
Mathematics has been given since elementary, even kindergarten to build and develop our brain to be more analytically, logically, critically, systematically, creatively, and work collaboratively. It has been set on Standard Competencies (SC) and Basic Competencies (BC). The implementation of SC and BC are:
1.      The knowledge proficiencies and problem-solving
2.      Thinking skills
3.      Creative thinking
4.      Independent learning
5.      Knowledge application and content creation
6.      Use new well-researched and proven  teaching methodologies
7.      Learning approaches and assessment modes that are suitable for the new generation.
Teacher’s task is making the best methods to make the students easily understand the material appropriately.

E.                 The Goal of Learning Mathematics at Secondary School
The students are expected to have the following capabilities:
1.      Conceptual Understanding (Understanding, explaining, and applying in appropriate way)
2.      Mathematical Reasoning (Use the pattern, reasoning, manipulating and explaining mathematical ideas)
3.      Mathematical Problem Solving (Solving the real-life problem)
4.      Mathematical Communication (Understanding the symbol, diagrams, charts, etc)
5.      Appreciate mathematics in daily life.

F.                 The Structure of High School mathematics Curriculum in Indonesia
It consists of SC and BC for three years. For grade X – XII, it is allocated in 4 hours in semester 1 and 2. Each hour means 45 minutes.

G.                Mathematics Curriculum Framework (NCTM)
The main concept of NCTM Mathematics Framework, the students must be developed in mathematical power by problem solving, reasoning, communication, and connection.
H.                Teaching Mathematics and Its Standards
Teaching Mathematics is not only merely mastering the content of mathematics, there are four knowledge that should we have.
1.      Knowledge of content. (for this case is mathematics)
2.      General Pedagogical Knowledge. (having a good instructional strategies, classroom management)
3.      Pedagogical Content of Knowledge. (how to present the topics in ways that are understandable)
4.      Knowledge of Learner and Learning. (recognition how students learn, motivation, and needs)
Standards for teaching mathematics
Based on NCTM standards, those are”
1.      Determining the goal, then choosing or making mathematical task to help our students.
2.      Stimulating the classroom.
3.      Creating a classroom environment.
4.      Analyzing student learning.

I.                   Principles for School Mathematics (NCTM, 2000)
1.      Equity. High expectation and strong support for all students.
2.      Curriculum. It must be coherent, focused on important mathematics.
3.      Teaching. Requiring understanding what students know and need to learn.
4.      Learning. Learning mathematics by prior knowledge.
5.      Assessment. It should support the learning of importance mathematics.
6.      Technology. By technology, it helps us in so many ways.
Also, here are some principles for school mathematics:
-          The Teaching Principles
As a teacher, it’s no fair for our students if we don’t keep learning because they will not get any new thought of mathematics.
-          The Use of Technology in Teaching Mathematics
Technology helps us to make our tasks easier.
-          The Technology Principles
Technology cannot replace teacher’s role, nor can be used or operated by itself, so the teacher decides when the class use technology or not.
J.                  Sample of Activities Using Technology with Mathematics Project
1.      Example of Mathematical Connection
Teacher asked the students to investigate the connection or the relationship between disaster and mathematics.
2.      Writing in Mathematics Class
Writing about specific issues, reflections, biography of mathematicians, etc.
3.      Sample of Group Exercises in Writing Research in Mathematics
It’s about research, find a lot of information in Internet, and make the presentation.

Teaching is not easy, especially mathematics which is well-known as an abstract subject, but as a new generation of teacher we must be very creative in teaching mathematics. Sometimes conventional teaching is needed to teach the conceptual of mathematics, after that we have to be very creative in presenting the material in appropriate way for their understanding.

Resource: Module of Teaching and Learning Numbers, Logic, Algebra, and Geometry 2011.

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