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Ahmad Apriyanto
Graduate of Mathematics Education from Faculty of Education Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI), the transformation of Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Jakarta.
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Masehi HijriyahPerhitungan pada sistem konversi Masehi – Hijriah ini memungkinkan terjadi selisih H-1 atau H+1 dari tanggal seharusnya untuk tanggal Hijriyah

Monday, September 26, 2011

First Reflection of Humanistic Studies

Humanistic Studies! First time I heard it, I thought that the class will teach us about human, human’s interaction with the others, such as with another humans, environments, cultures, and soon. That’s true about what I am thinking about Humanistic Studies. When the first meeting in the class, then I read the module generally, it showed that I will learn about cultures, religion from another point of view (not like in preview schools), historical of religion, and many more. I am really sure that in this class I will learn about the factual issues which are happening in our life at present. So, it must be an interesting class.

     About my expectation for learning Humanistic Studies, I really hope that I will more appreciate the differences that exist in our multicultural life. For example, sometimes I don’t like Muslim people who have their own way to decide the day of Eid Mubarak. Maybe if the difference of the day is only a day, I still accept it. However, so many Muslim people in the village who decide Eid Mubarak two or three days before and after Government’s decision by Itsbat session. Yaaa, I know they have their own mind, they have their own way, that’s their culture, but why it must be happened? Almost every year we have a different day to celebrate Eid Mubarak.

Also for this year, when one of a Muslim group decides to celebrate Eid Mubarak a day faster than Government’s decision, I still can accept it. That was not a big problem for me, but when someone who mocked Government because of the decision which has been taken, it’s really annoying. He said that “People who celebrate Eid Mubarak on Wednesday, they are Amriyah (Government’s follower), but for those people who celebrate on Tuesday (including himself), they are Muhammadyah (Muhammad’s follower). I was so angry, it means that the people who celebrate on Wednesday (including me) are not Muhammad’s follower. The fact, we also follow Muhammad, he is our last prophet who brought us from the darkness into the brighter age. He is our guide because he gifted Al-Quran as his holy book.
How come he stated like that? At that time, he really mocked us. Whereas he is an educated people, he is a teacher. I was so sad about it, when the teacher do the bad thing. For my reflection, I will not do what he did. That’s why I expect in Humanistic Studies class to be more appreciating the differences. We know that our country consists of so many religions and cultures, how come I appreciate the difference another religions and cultures if I still difficult to appreciate people who have the same religion. That’s the first of my expectation. I am really sure along the time in Humanistic Studies, I will learn a lot of things, then I will have more expectations that have not been thought yet for now. Guide me to meet my expectations ya Pak Hatim. Thank you :D.

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